Insidensi dan Distribusi Penderita Angular Cheilitis pada Bulan Oktober-Desember Tahun 2015 di RSGM Universitas Jember
ABSTRACT: The high prevalence,
complexity and negative impacts of angular cheilitis are affecting the patient
quality of life indicates the importance of the disease caring and treating.
Collecting data is required to identifying the disease frequency in a
population as an early step attempted to planing, preventing, caring, and
healing the disease. Objective: to determine the incidence rate of angular
cheilitis at Dental Hospital of Jember University on October-December 2015, and
the distribution based on age, sex, nutritional status, and residece. Method:
This observasional descriptive study used cross sectional survey design. The
study was conducted by identifying sample with angular cheilitis patient were
found on October-December 2015 at Dental Hospital of Jember University. Result
and conclusions: The incidence rate is 6,7%. The distribution based on age,
sex, nutritional status and residence are most common in children 5-11 (89,2%),
male (62,5%), malnutrition status (52%) and rural (59%), so that the rate is
estimate the risk factor of angular cheilitis increase in children, male,
malnutrition and villagers.
Keywords: Angular Cheilitis,
Distribution, Incidence
Penulis: Herlin Sriwahyuni,
Sri Hernawati, Ayu Mashartini
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170050