Pembuatan Natrium Karboksimetil Selulosa (Na CMC) Dari Batang Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach)
Abstrak: A study on the
preparation of sodium carboxymethil cellulose (Na-CMC) from celulose powder
that was isolated from the stems elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach)
has been performed. Cellulose was purified using 17.5% of sodium hydroxide
solution, then bleach, dried and crushed to obtain alpha cellulose. Alfa
cellulose was eterified with sodium chloroacetat resulting sodium carboxymethyl
cellulose, furthermore characterized: organoleptic, losses on drying, chemical
identification, pH test and test with fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). The
results showed that of 300 g stems elephant grass yield alpha cellulose as much
as 92,.54 g and 25 g of alpha cellulose produced Na-CMC as 16.92 g. Based on the
characterization made Na-CMC and Na-CMC Merck®
meet Indonesian Pharmacopoeia 3th edition requirement.
Kata Kunci: sodium
carbocxymetil cellulose, cellulose, stems elephant grass
Penulis: Zulharmitta, Silvia
Maryani, Roslinda Rasyid
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd120274