Pengaruh Beban Kerja Fisik terhadap Tingkat Disabilitas Pasien Nyeri Punggung Bawah di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember
ABSTRACT: Disability is a
condition that the patient loss of opportunities to take a part in normal life
due to physical, mental and social barrier. Disability is commonly caused by
low back pain. Physical workload is the one of risk factors of low back pain.
The purpose of study was to measure the influence of physical workload and
disability caused by low back pain at RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. This research
was analytic observational study with cross sectional approach. Physical
workload was measured by Self Measured Quistionere Physical Demand and
disability was measured by Oswestry Disability Index. Physical workload was
divided into manual handling and work postures. As many as 32 samples were
collected during May-June 2016. The data were analyzed by Spearman correlations
test and showed there were no significantly influence between manual handling
(α=0,769), work postures (α=0.763) and disability. Spearman correlation test
also showed there were no relationship between manual handling (r=0,055), work
postures (r=-0,054) and disability. Thus it, can be concluded that there were
no influence between physical workload and disability caused by low back pain
in RSD dr. Soebandi Jember.
Keywords: Low back pain,
physical workload, disability
Penulis: Imam Adi Nugroho,
Ancah Caesarina Novi Marchianti, Yuli Hermansyah
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170072