ABSTRACT: Exclusive
Breastfeeding (ASI) is a living liquid that can adjust the content of substance
that can meet the nutritional needs of infants (Maryunani 2012). Based Riset
Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) of 2013 infants exclusively breastfeeding for six
months is only 40.6%, far from the national target of 80%. The problems in the
practice of exclusive breastfeeding is the social and cultural factors of
economic (family support, education, income and employment status mothers),
factors maternal age (readiness mothers in breastfeeding), factor parity
mother, a factor of support from family, factor a lack of staff health and
support community health workers making less light or encouragement about the
benefits of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose research this is to know the
effect of family support and support of health workers on exclusive
breastfeeding in Puskesmas Cilacap Tengah1 Kabupaten Cilacap. Methods This
research is an explanatory research using cross sectional method. Subject
Research This is the infant more 6 months and less of 12 months. Sample
selection techniques that will be used in this research is cluster random
sampling. Analysis of the data in this study conducted by Chi Square. Results
of the research that no influencing to exclusive breastfeeding of health
workers (p value 0,513 > 0,05) and factor Support family significant influencing to exclusivebreastfeeding (p value
0,000 < 0,05) No influencing to
exclusive breastfeeding of health workers and Support family factor
significant influencing to exclusive
Keywords: exclusive
breastfeeding, support, family, labor health
Penulis: Sohimah
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170296