ABSTRACT: Preeclampsia and
eclampsia is the unity of disease directly caused by pregnancy. The disease is
characterized by hypertension, proteinuria and edema as well as the worst
conditions ie convulsions or coma. High blood pressure in pregnant women
impacts vary. Maternity rate in Banyumas reached 118 cases per 100 thousand
live births and is ranked third in the province of Central Java, or as many as
33 cases. From some cause eklamasi and bleeding into a sizeable contributor
figures are respectively 14 and 5 cases. Objective research is to analyze the
effect of parity and body mass index (BMI) on the incidence of preeclampsia in
Banyumas. This type of research is analytic survey with a retrospective case
control approach. The population in this study were pregnant women with
pre-eclampsia in five health centers with the highest number of pre eclampsia
in Banyumas in the year 2015. The sample in this study using the technique of
accidental sampling of 60 pregnant women who are diagnosed preeklampsi as the
case group and 60 respondents mothers normal pregnant and data analysis using
Chi Square. Research results obtained are in primigravida pregnant women who
develop preeclampsia as many as 43 people (71.7%), pregnant women with a
BMI> 29 who develop preeclampsia as many as 39 people (65.0%). Conclusion:
there is an influence on the incidence of preeclampsia parity with p <0.000;
there is the effect of BMI on the incidence of preeclampsia with a p-value of
Keywords: parity, body mass
index (BMI), Preeclampsia
Penulis: Dyah Fajarsari,
Fitria Prabandari
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd160412