Penilaian Human Error Probability dengan Metode Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) (Studi di Departemen Finishing PT. Eratex Djaja, Tbk)
ABSTRACT: PT. Eratex Djaja,
Tbk is a company engaged in the garment industry. Working accidents that
occurred in this company, 46.67% caused by human error and 61.9% of which
occurred in the Finishing Department. The purpose of this research was
assessment human error probability with Human Error Assessment and Reduction
Technique Method (HEART) in Finishing Department of PT. Eratex Djaja, Tbk. The
type of research was descriptive. In this study there were 13 respondents. The
results show that the tasks in the finishing department were task keyhole,
buttoning, trimming, ironing, measurement, attach accessories, finishing
quality control, packing, needle detector, repack, scanning, weigh and export.
There were 27 tasks that have possible human error. The largest HEP was 0.9599
in the task holding garment until the keyhole process was completed (task
keyhole with automatic keyhole) and in the task holding garment until the
buttoning process was complete (task buttoning plastic button). While the
smallest HEP was 0,0326 in the task of transporting and bring carton box into
the container. Then the researchers set up prevention of human error based on
EPC, HEP and possible human error that can occur in the task or sub task.
Keywords: Possible human
error, HEART, HEP
Penulis: Riselvia Nurhayati,
Isa Ma'rufi, Ragil Ismi Hartanti
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170116