Perlekatan Streptococcus mutans pada Aplikasi Fissure Sealant Berbahan Resin Dibandingkan dengan Ionomer Kaca Fuji VII
ABSTRACT: Dental caries is the
hard tissue disease. Caries is caused by multiple factors that is of them are
morphology the surface of the tooth and bacteria Streptococcus mutans. The pit
and fissure are primary habitats of S. mutans. Therefore, prevention of fissure
sealants are needed. The materials of fissure sealant are composite resin and
glass ionomer fuji VII. S. mutans can attach to foreign objects, one of them is
material restoration. Objective : The purpose of this research is to know the
difference of S. mutans attachment for fissure sealant application made of
resin and glass ionomer fuji VII. Method : The experimental laboratory was post
test only control design. The samples size from two group are 32 samples. The
tool that used is spectofotometer with unit of measurement is colony forming
unit a mL. Result and Conclusion : The average of S. mutans attachtment of composite
resin and glass ionomer are 5,201 x 108 and 3,963 x 108. The attachtment was
tested by independent sample T-tes there was differences of S. mutans
attachment for fissure sealant application made of resin and glass ionomer fuji
VII. Resin composite have a higher total number than ionomer fuji VII.
Keywords: dental caries,
fissure sealant, glass ionomer, resin, s. mutans
Penulis: Nazala Zetta Zettira,
Niken Probosari, Pujiana Endah Lestari
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170098