Perubahan Tanda Vital sebagai Gejala Rasa Cemas sebelum Melakukan Tindakan Pencabutan Gigi pada Mahasiswa Profesi Klinik Bedah Mulut RSGM Universitas Jember
ABSTRACT: First extraction
performed by students of the oral surgery department give many pressure causing body's responses such
as increasing of blood pressure, pulserate, and respiratory rate. In severe
rate, the outcome of the treatment may be affected bythis condition. The aim of
the study to determine the alteration of vital sign as students’ anxiety
syndroms before performing tooth extraction in dental surgery department. Methods : This was a descriptive study of
students of oral surgery department who willperform first tooth extraction.
After sign an informed consent then performed themeasurement of blood pressure,
pulse, and respiratory rate for 5 times, before the day performing extraction,
before performing the examination on patient, before performinganesthesia,
before performing extraction, and after performing the extraction. Result andconclusion
: Students of the oral surgery department Dentistry University of Jembershowed
increasing the vital sign status (blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate)before
performing first tooth extraction
Keywords: Tooth extraction,
anxiety, vital sign, oral surgery
Penulis: Farrahdina Nuri Arini,
Winny Adriatmoko, Masniari Novita
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170076