ABSTRACT: Critical patients
are patients who potentially get reversible dysfunction in one or more
life-threatening organs and require care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Methods: The objective of this research is to analyse the physical
function-tardive dyskinesia in critical patients with sedation in the ICU. The
design of this research is cross-sectional. The population is all of the
critical patients in the ICU of the Baptist Hospital in Kediri. The purposive
sample population was 41 respondents based on the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. The variables are ‘giving the sedation’ and ‘physical function-tardive
dyskinesia’. The data was collected using a Motor Activity Assessment, and the
Sedation Scale for Critically Ill Patients and Tardive Dyskinesia Screening.
Results: The results showed that giving sedation can slow physical function in
the form of motor activity; the response of noxious stimuli (7.3%), response to
touch or calling name (19.5%) and an increasing score of agitation and
co-operative (4.9%). Symptoms of tardive dyskinesia increased after sedation in
the form of tongue protrusion (4.9%), lip-smacking, puckering and pursing
(2.4%), and rapid movements of the arms and legs. The administration of
sedation in the first 24-hours in ICU patients affects the physical function of
the critical patients (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Giving sedation affects the
patients’ physical functions. Therefore, the prevention of the effects of
sedation and treatment during ICU is needed in order to avoid a decrease in the
physical function of critical patients.
KEYWORDS: critical patient,
ICU, physical function, sedation, tardive dyskinesia
Author: Heru Suwardianto,
Selvia David Richard, Awal Prasetyo, Reni Sulung Utami
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg170043