Abstract: Old age is the final stage of the human life cycle and will inevitably be experienced by every individual, who will undergo physical and mental changes. The purpose of this study wasto describe the mental status of the elderly. Method: Research design was descriptive study. Thepopulation in this study is 80 elders who live in PSLU Tulungagung in March 2014, Samplewere 45 elderly by using purposive sampling technique. The data collected by using a questionnaire MMSE at May 18th until 19th, 2014. Results: The result showed that 53.3% nocognitive impairment, 20% and cognitive impairment was 26.7% experiencing severe cognitiveimpairment. Discussion: It is expected that the results of this study, health workers improveactivities that are motivating and supporting the elderly in dealing with elderly dementia or memory to support the mental status of the elders.
Keywords: Mental Status, Elders
Penulis: Nopia Riana Dewi
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd140353

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