ANALISIS KOMPARATIF TINGKAT KESEHATAN PERBANKAN DENGAN METODE CAMELS DI ASEAN (Studi pada Bank Umum Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, dan Filipina Tahun 2012-2016)
Abstract: This study aims to
determine differences between Indonesian banking soundness with four other
ASEAN countries namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines using
CAMELS indicator. Type of this research is explanatory research with
quantitative approach. The research sample is three largest banks assets in
each country. The data used in the form of annual reports are published on the
official website of each bank. The data analysis technique used is based on the
data distribution tested using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Hypothesis testing
using One-Way ANOVA and Kruskall-Wallis test. The result of statistical test
shows that all indicators of financial ratios between Indonesian, Malaysian,
Singaporean, Thailand and Philippines banks are significantly different.
Overall, based on the CAMELS method approach, it can be concluded that
Indonesian banking is better compared to other four ASEAN countries when viewed
based on capital, asset quality and earnings indicators. Based on the
indicators of management quality Singaporean banking are better than the
banking four other ASEAN countries. Meanwhile, Thailand banking is better than
the four other ASEAN countries seen by liquidity and sensitivity to market risk
Keywords: ASEAN Banking
Soundness, CAMELS, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180532