ABSTRACT: This study aims to
evaluate and prioritize the various forms of strategic programs at the Bandung
City Government in strengthening the economy and increasing purchasing power of
the people in the city of Bandung based on public policy analysis. This study
is comprehensive covering macro aspects, namely the potential and economic profile
as well as the Human Development Index (HDI) and micro aspects, namely the
external and internal environmental analysis relating to economic policy on
purchasing power. Furthermore, evaluation and economic policy priorities in an
effort to increase the purchasing power of the city of Bandung.
There are few steps or effort in evaluating various forms of local
government strategic program Bandung in economics in order to increase the
purchasing power of the city of Bandung, namely: 1) Observing the potential and
the problems by SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).
2) Evaluation and prioritization of programs of economic analysis AHP
(analytical hierarchy process) and connect it to the macroeconomic indicators
Bandung. In conducting the evaluation and priority, strategic programs are done
also based on the study of literature and discussions with experts. The number
of respondents in this study is 15 (fifteen) and sampling was done by purposive
convenience sampling.
Based Matrix EFAS (External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) shows
that the Bandung City Government is in a strong position to exploit the
opportunities that exist to minimize the threats that will arise with regard to
the external factors that affect the purchasing power of the city of Bandung.
The Government of Bandung can utilize the opportunities, which are significant
factors, in order to increase the purchasing power of the people. These are
plans such as: the Central Government Policies Regarding Rice for the Poor
(RASKIN), Health Insurance for the Poor (insurance for the poor), and the
School Operational Assistance (BOS), National Program Community Empowerment
(PNPM), the People's Business Credit (KUR) with Interest Subsidy to Help Low
Income Communities .
Furthermore, from the results of Matrix IFAS (Internal Strategic Factor
Analysis Summary) shows that the Bandung City Government is in a relatively
strong position to use and harness the forces that exist to minimize the
shortcomings encountered in efforts to improve the people's purchasing power.
Internal factors that significantly influence the increase in purchasing power
of the city of Bandung are the strong commitment of the Government of Bandung
to increase purchasing power. Meanwhile, the biggest disadvantage factor and
should be watched and minimized by the Bandung City Government in improving the
purchasing power of the city of Bandung is a "Weak Monitoring and
Evaluation Capability Strengthening Program Buy".
The estimation results of AHP (analytical hierarchy process) to local
agencies regarding the analysis of preference evaluation of Government programs
of Bandung in economics in improving and strengthening the purchasing power
suggests that external factors are the priority aspects. Meanwhile, based on
analysis of the preferences of businesses, communities and government agencies
to the actors who play an important role in strengthening the purchasing power
of the city of Bandung show that the relevant local government agencies play an
important role in influencing people's purchasing power state through a set of
policies and programs it has taken.
Keyword: Government in
strengthening the economy and increasing purchasing power of the people in the
city of Bandung, public policy analysis. SWOT analysis, Matrix EFAS and IFAS,
AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)
Penulis: Bayu Kharisma
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd131227