Kualitas Hidup Pasien Hipertensi Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Yogyakarta Dengan Terapi Kombinasi Angiotensin Reseptor Blocker dan Calcium Channel Blocker
ABSTRACT: Hypertension
medication may utilize a single antihypertensive or combined antihypertensives
in accordance with the patient’s condition. Hypertension medication is carried
out in a lengthy period and thus can affect the patient’s quality of life. This
study aims to assess the quality of life of hypertensive outpatients under
combination therapy with an angiotensin receptor blocker and a calcium channel
blocker at a private hospital in Yogyakarta. The research applied a prospective
cohort design, where the outcome observations were made three months after
medication, on patients meeting the inclusion criteria by gauging their quality
of life through validated EQ5D questionnaires and a VAS method. Analysis of the
quality of life used the conversion of EQ5D dimension scores into an EQ5D index
score and the VAS data by calculating the mean and standard deviation. Analysis
of differences in quality of life between 3 antihypertensive drug combinations
employed an ANOVA test. Results show that of 58 patients, 24 received a
candesartan-amlodipine combination, 9 had candesartan-diltiazem and 25 were
given irbesartan-amlodipine; 74.13% were female, 34.48% were aged 51-60, and the most frequent
complication was diabetes mellitus (60.34%). The quality-of-life analysis
yielded an EQ5D index score of 1 in 24.14%patients and 0.796 in 13.79 %
patients. The mean value from the VAS method is 66.17 with a minimum of 45 and
maximum 90. The ANOVA test on the EQ5D quality-of-life index scores of the 3
drug combinations produced a sig value of p = 0.168 while the VAS method’s sig
value is p = 0.433. Therefore, there was no significant difference in the
quality of life of hypertensive outpatients who received
candesartan-amlodipine, candesartan-diltiazem and irbesartan-amlodipine
Keyword: quality of life,
hypertension, ARB, CCB
Penulis: Andriana Sari, Faridah
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170109