Penetapan Kadar Protein Secara Kjeldahl Beberapa Makanan Olahan Kerang Remis (Corbiculla moltkiana Prime.) dari Danau Singkarak
Abstrak: A study on protein
content of fresh mussel shells, curry soup mussel shells and fried mussel
shells by using Kjeldahl method had been researched. The procedur involve
destruction, destilation and titration. Each sample were destructed with
consentrated sulfuric acid and catalyst mixture of selenium. The solution of
sodium hydroxyde was then added to the resulting solution and the amonia
liberated was destilled into solution of hydrochloric acid prepared in excess.
Its then the hydrochloric solution was titrated with solution of sodium hydroxide
0.1 N using methyl red as and indicator. Protein content can be calculated by
multiplying the total nitrogen content of the sample with protein conversion
factor (total nitrogen X 6.25). The highest protein content is fried mussel
shells 7.1491 % ± 0.0249, than curry soup mussel shells 6.5771 % ± 0.1095 and
the last fresh mussel shells 6.3927 % ± 0.0206.
Kata Kunci: Corbiculla
moltkiana; content protein; kjeldahl
Penulis: Henni Rosaini,
Roslinda Rasyid, Vinda Hagramida
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd150611