Penetapan Kadar Zink Pada Sediaan Farmasi Dengan Metode Kompleksometri dan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom
Abstrak: Research on the
determination of zinc in pharmaceutical preparations have been carried out by
complexometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. This research aims to
determine and compare the levels of zinc in pharmaceutical preparations by
complexometry method and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Samples used zinc
tablets were Zinkid® (PT. Indofarma), Zincare® (PT. Kalbe Farma) and Zinc
generic tablets (PT. Kimia Farma). Zinc calibration curve at wavelength 213.9
nm used standard solution ZnSO4.7 H2O have correlation coefficient 0.9937 and
linear regression equation y = 0.1124 + 0.4403x. Standard deviation 0.088.
Detection limit 0.5996 mg/kg and quantitation limit 1.9986 mg/kg. The assay of
zinc by complexometry method trademarks Zinkid® obtained zinc content 3.57 %,
Zincare® 6.12 % and Zinc generic 3.68 %. While the method of atomic absorption
spectrophotometry Zinkid® obtained zinc content 3.64 %, Zincare® 6.19 % and
Zinc generic 3.72 %. Result of statistical analysis using t-test, it could be
concluded that the method complexometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry
for the determination of zinc in pharmaceutical preparations dosage levels were
not significantly different (sig.>0.05).
Kata Kunci: Zinc;
Complexometry Method; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Penulis: Dwi Dinni Aulia
Bakhtra,Zulharmita, Valeria Pramudita
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd150616