Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser dan Perluasan Lini Susu Ibu Hamil Prenagen Terhadap Niat Beli (Studi Pada Pasien Ibu Hamil di RSIA Kendangsari Surabaya)
Abstract: During a pregnancy
it’s very important to fulfill enough nutrition both for the fetus and mother.
PT Kalbe which is a milk producer for maternity “Prenagen” is vying to
stimulate peoples buying intentions, but many producers offer other nutritional
benefits even with lower prices. The purpose of this study is to analyse and
examine the effect of celebrity endorser and line extension on purchase
intension of “Prenagen” milk for pregnancy. This research uses a causal
approach. Respondents in this study is pregnant women patients aged 22-40 years
at Kendangsari Mother and Child Hospital Surabaya. Sampling using judgmental
sampling technique with a sample size of 220 respondents. Data analysis used
with multiple linear regression analysis. This research instruments used with questionnaires
and the data obtained were processed using software SPSS 25. The results showed
that the variables of celebrity endorser and line extension have an effect on
the variable of purchase intention.
Keywords: celebrity endorser,
line extension, purchase intension
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180535