Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian melalui Kepercayaan Konsumen pada Produk Stuck Original
Abstract: Based on the
interview with 5 people who know Stuck Original there are some problems that
affect the decline in sales. logos, models, materials, and prices are some of
the things that affect the sales decline. So this research use independent
variabel of brand image, product quality, and price. Intervening variabel is
consumer trust and dependent variabel is purchasing decision.
This study aims to analyze how the influence of brand image, product
quality, and price to purchase decisions through consumer trust in the Stuck
Original products.
Sampling method used in this research is non-probability with purposive
sampling technique The samples collected were 150 respondents who had bought
the original stuck product at least once. The method of analysis used is SEM
includes test of normality, outliers, reliability test, and goodness of fit.
The results showed that the brand image, product quality, price, and
consumer confidence significant to the purchase decision. consumer trust has
the most significant affect on purchasing decisions with a loading factor of
0.79. brand image and product quality has the same loading factor value in
affect consumer trust is 0.35. and last price has loading factor value in
affect consumer trust is 0,31.
Keywords: brand image, product
quality, consumer trust, purchasing decision
Penulis: Dian Wahyu Pratama,
Suryono Budi Santoso
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180412