Pengaruh Debt To Equity Ratio Dan Non Performing Loan Terhadap Return Saham Emiten Bursa Efek Indonesia Subsektor Perbankan
Abstract: This study aims to
determine the effect of debt to equity ratio (DER) and non performing loan
(NPL) to stock returns of issuers of Indonesia Stock Exchange banking subsector.
The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The population in
this study as many as 43 issuers Indonesia Stock Exchange banking subsector but
who qualified samples only 7 emiten. Technique of collecting data is done
through secondary data that is financial report of emiten become sample. While
to analyze the data obtained used path analysis. The results showed that DER
and NPL have a very strong effect on stock return that is equal to 81,4%. Based
on the path analysis of the effect of DER on ROA of 50.5% and the effect of NPL
to ROA of 30.9%.
Keywords: Debt to equity
ratio, non performing loan, stock return
Penulis: Maman Sulaeman, Hasan
Fahmi Kusnandar, Gun Gun Gunawan, Meiyanti Widyaningrum, Sufia Widi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180187