Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Inflasi terhadap Likuiditas pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah di Indonesia
Abstract: Liquidity management
is important for a bank. It is because banks have to keep the funds available
so that there is no shortage or excess. Banks that are under-funded will find
it difficult to meet their short-term liabilities. While banks are surplus
funds indicates a lot of idle funds. This research is aimed to find out the
influence of credit risk, capital adequacy ratio, rentability, bank size, loan
growth and inflation on liquidity. This research data using secondary data
obtained from financial report of BPD from OJK and website of each BPD.
Population in this research is Regional Development Bank in Indonesia period of
I quarter 2016 until III quarter 2017. The sample in this research amounted to
26 bank by using saturated sample method. The hypothesis was tested by using
multiple linear regression. Partial hypothesis test results show that
rentability, bank size and inflation affect liquidity. While credit risk,
capital adequacy ratio and loan growth did not affect liquidity. Credit risk does
not affect liquidity because the loan of BPD is still a lot to the consumption
sector to employees who have a small risk. CAR does not affect liquidity
because the average level of CAR at BPD is high that many funds are idle. While
loan growth does not affect liquidity because the structure of third party
funds owned by BPD is more focused on the portion of demand deposits that are
risky when the funds are channeled to long-term credit.
Keywords: Liquidity, internal
factors, inflation
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180508