Pengaruh Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT.Polowijo Gosari
Abstract: This research aims
to know and test the influence quality of work life (safe and healthy work
environment, the development of human capabilities, and the growth and scurity)
on performance of employees of PT. Polowijo Gosari. The approach used in this
research is quantitative, where is the population used in this research was 207
people using teknik proportionate startified random sampling techniques which
amounted to 136 employees. data analysis technique used was multiple linear
regression with the help of the software SPSS version 17. Simultaneously,
research results obtained the results that the safe and healthy work
environment, the development of human capabilities, and the growth and scurity
simultaneously affects the performance of the employee. the magnitude of the
influence caused by both the independent variable was 80.6%, and 19.1% the
influence by other outside variables of the study. Then partially variable
quality work life (safe and healthy work environment to have a positif
influence on performance employees, the development of human capabilities to
have a positif influence on performance employees, and the growth and scurity
to have a positif influence on performance employees).
Keywords: quality of work life
and performance
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180501