ABSTRACT: One of the key
factor that PT Sido Muncul concerns about its Jamu Tolak Angin is the customer
loyalty. The increase number of loyal customers can be considered as the
success of the company’s product amidst the competition. This research is
conducted to find out whether the product’s quality influences the customer
loyalty through customer satisfaction and brand reputation of the PT Sido
Muncul’s Jamu Tolak Angin brand. This research is conducted to retest the model
proposed by Fred Selnes (1993), by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM).
The sample of this research is 200 persons, collected by judgment sampling.
The result of this research shows that customer loyalty is influenced by
product quality, customer satisfaction, and brand reputation. Product quality
influences customer loyalty through customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
The model’s test of this research shows Chi-Square=65.81 (P=0.00026),
RMSEA=0.071, GFI=0.94, dan AGFI=0.90. Product quality influences customer
loyalty through customer satisfaction and brand reputation by 0.26 and it
influences customer loyalty through brand reputation by 0.46. This research
shows that good quality product will lead to the increase of customer loyalty
and brand reputation of the PT Sido Muncul’s Jamu Tolak Angin brand. Loyal
customers are directly influenced by PT Sido Muncul’s Jamu brand, while
customer satisfaction doesn’t directly influence customer loyalty. When
choosing which jamu product to consume, the customers don’t necessarily choose
the product based on the satisfaction of past use but on the brand reputation.
Customers think that the jamu brand that has good reputation is suitable for
continuous use. This is because customers view jamu as traditional medicine, so
the selection should be based on those products who have reliable brand reputation.
This result shows that the PT Sido Muncul’s Jamu Tolak Angin brand reputation
that has been formed may strengthen the product quality’s influence on creating
customer loyalty.
Keywords: Product Quality,
Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Reputation
Penulis: Budi Hermawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110405