Pengembangan dan Validasi Metode Analisis Klorfeniramin Maleat Dalam Tablet dengan Metode Absorbansi dan Luas Daerah di Bawah Kurva Secara Spektrofotometri Ultraviolet

ABSTRACT: A simple, precise and accurate method of analysis for the determination of chlorpheniramine maleate levels in tablets using absorbance method and the area under the curve by ultraviolet spectrophotometry has been developed and validated. This analysis was developed using various solvents, namely 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, and distilled water. The results showed that the best solvent for chlorpheniramine maleate analysis was 0.1 N hydrochloric acid at a wavelength of 264.40 nm. The calibration curve shows a straight line in the concentration range of 10 - 26 μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9996, the detection limit of 0.612 μg/mL, the quantitative limit of 2.041 μg/mL by the absorbance method. The area under the curve method shows a straight calibration curve at the concentration range of 10 - 26 μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990, the detection limit of 0.972 μg/mL, the quantitative limit of 3.239 μg/mL. Levels of generic chlorpheniramine maleate tablets with absorbance method and area under the curve were 98.667% and 97.483%, respectively. Levels of chlorpheniramine maleate patent tablets with absorbance method and area under the curve were 100.667% and 99.217%, respectively. The results of the assay obtained by the absorbance method and area under the curve method fulfill the requirements in accordance with the Pharmacopoeia of Indonesia edition V of 93-107%.
Kata kunci: klorfeniramin maleat; metode absorbansi; metode luas daerah di bawah kurva
Penulis: Harrizul Rivai, Mia Larasaky, Zikra Azizah
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170140

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