Pengujian Efisiensi Pasar Pada Pasar Modal Indonesia Periode Juni 2009 - Juni 2015 (Studi Pada Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan)
Abstract: This study aims to
test the capital market in Indonesia is weak form efficient during the period
June 2009 – June 2015 by examining the evaluation of movement from the return
of JCI. The object of this study were daily, weekly,and monthly returns
obtained from the closing price of the composite stock price index during the
study period. Thetwo conventional ways, run-test and autocorrelation test are
used to prove the evidences of weak form market efficiency. Beside those two
methods, unit root test also added to analyze JCI. The result of the research
shows in that period the movement of JCI return is random so it’s categorized
as weak form efficient market. The run-test of three returns resulted of random
movement during the period June 2009 – June 2015. The autocorrelation test ofthree
returns resulted that there was no autocorrelation either positive or negative,
it shows that the current return movement isn’t influenced by the previous
return so that’s random. Different from the previous two tests, unit root test
conclude that three returns are stationary so they don’t move randomly. The
non-randomness of three returnscan be due to deviations in the efficient market
testing called noise. It’s difficult for stock analysts to determine the worthiness
of a stock price if the stock price information is incomplete and incorrect.
The implication of this study that efficient market needed precise, accurate,
and fast information.
Keywords: market efficiency,
Indonesia capital market, Jakarta composite index
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180533