The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction with Procedural Justice as Mediating Variable
Abstract: The purpose of this
research is to test the influence of transformational leadership on
organizational commitment and job satisfaction with procedural justice as
mediating variable. The role of the leader is very important given the nature
of the leadership taken by these leaders can exert influence on employee
commitment and job satisfaction, building on the principles of justice. This
study uses a quantitative approach using a survey method and questionnaire
instruments. Sampling of this research using purposive sampling that employees
who have worked at least two years and subordinate superintendent in Coal and
Processing Handling Division (CPHD) PT KPC. Hypothesis testing is conducted
using hierarchical regression methods to test mediation in accordance with the
rules of Baron and Kenny (1986). Questionnaire data processing taken by SPSS
Statistics 21. The results of this study indicate that procedural justice is
partially mediates the influence of transformational leadership on
organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
Keywords: Transformational
Leadership, Procedural Justice, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction
Penulis: Rico Saktiawan Jaya
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180197