Uji Aktivitas Antidiabetes dari Ekstrak Metanol Buah Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) melalui Penghambatan Aktivitas α-Glukosidase
Abstract: Diabetes melitus
(DM) is defined as a chronic metabolic disease or disorder with multiple
etiologies characterized by high blood sugar levels. One way to treat diabetes
mellitus is inhibiting the α-glucosidase enzyme. This study aims to determine
the inhibition of α-glucosidase of methanol extract of kiwi fruit (Actinidia
deliciosa) . Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) contains saponins characterized
by the formation of foam, positive flavonoid characterized by the formation of
a yellow color (orange) and positive alkaloid which is characterized by brown
color in wagner test. The inhibition activity test of α-glucosidase enzyme was
performed by using spectrophotometric method. The results of the inhibition
activity test of α-glucosidase enzyme in acarbose showed the value of 13,672
mg/L, while the methanol extract of kiwi fruit showed IC50 value of 7.219 mg/L.
It demonstrated that the methanol extract of kiwi fruit has the inhibition
activity greater than acarbose.
Keywords:Diabetes melitus, Phytochemicals,
Kiwi fruit Actinidia deliciosa IC50.
Penulis: Okpri Meila, Noraini
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170578