Uji Sensitivitas Antibakteri Dari Pus Ulkus Diabetes Mellitus Terhadap Antibiotika di RSUD Dr. M.Yunus Kota Bengkulu Tahun 2016
ABSTRACT: Diabetic ulcers are
the most unloved and frightening chronic complications for patients, bacteria
that are resistant to certain antibiotics giving considerable attention to
health agencies around the world. This suggests that antibiotics do not work
optimally and that the diseases that have initially improved, can be
experienced back with a worse prognosis. Objective: To know the sensitivity of
antibiotic to bacteria in pus patient of diabetes mellitus ulcers. Method: This
study was conducted by taking a sample of pus from patients with ulcers of
diabetes mellitus. The samples obtained were identified and isolated to obtain
the type of bacteria present in the pus. After obtaining the type of bacteria
contained in the pus carried out the sensitivity test by using the method of
diffusion caktram and diamtai diameter zone inhibition of bacterial growth
formed Result: The type of bacteria from the sample obtained by bacteria
Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Antibiotics that show sensitivity to
bacteria result from diabetes mellitus ulcer pus isolation is gentamicine with
result of measurement 24.3 mm and seftazidine with measurement 18.7 mm.
Kata kunci: Bakteri, Diabetes Millitus, Antibiotika
Penulis: Heti Rais Khasanah, Krisyanella
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170115