ABSTRACT: This research is
kind of descriptive qualitative research with the title “the analysis offood
agriculture export commodity in east java”. The purpose of this research is to
know how the development of contribution influence food agriculture toward food
agriculture export commodity in east java. The instrument of this research is
analysis export developing, analysis export contributing, and to know the
output effect of food agriculture production, exchange rate rupiah to dollar
and inflation phase using analysis bifilar regression through experiment F and
experiment T that use experiment data panel fixed effect. From the analysis
result, it could be simplified that the developing export commodity food
agriculture result the increasingly commodity of green bean, cassava, and
mango. The biggest contribution of the commodity is rice, corn, and cassava
during five year. From the aggression analysis partially stated that output
production of food agriculture exchange rate rupiah to dollar, inflation phase,
bring the positive effect toward export value of food agriculture in east java.
KEYWORDS: food agriculture export
commodity in east java, output production, exchange, inflation phase
Penulis: Anis Suprapti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141324