ABSTRACT: The intention of
this research are to analyze Small and Medium Enterprises’ export barriers in
Solo Raya (Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen,
Klaten) and to prove that all indicators which are knowledge barriers,
resources barriers, procedurs barriers and exogenous barrier support export
barriers as its construct.
This research provides a measurement tool for the next export barriers
research as well This study combines questioner’s statements that were
developed by researchers fromprevious studies in European countries and export
obstacle expressions suggested by Indonesian’s expert. Using Small and Medium
Enterprises in Solo Raya region as its respondent sample, and we can collect
400 respondent of SME. There was no such researches in Indonesia before, thus
this is the first study using export barrier’s questioner. That’s why
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to provide all construct variables and
their indicators become acceptable as a measurement tool for this kind of
When the researcher run the data using SEM, it showed that construct
variables can support the model. In other words, the model does fit the datas.
Except for the exogenous barriers that don’t have significant influence to
other two barrier which are resources and procedures.
Keywords: SEM, knowledge
barrier, resource barrier, procedure barrier, export barriers
Penulis: Elvia Ivada SE.,M.Si,
Ak, Sri Sumaryati, S.Pd, M.Pd, Nurhasan Hamidi, SE.,M.Sc, Ak
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141284