Abstract: This study aims to
investigate the dynamics of the degree of competition in the banking industry
in Indonesia, especially in the banking consolidation period ( 2000 -2008) is measured from the concentration ratio (CR
8) and Learner index. Samples were grouped into eight largest bank size (CR8)
and outside CR8. The findings indicate that during the consolidation period
(2000 -2006), concentration ratio tend to decrease of 70% towards 62%. But after periode 2006, concentration index is constan. Degree of competition by largest
bank size (CR8) indicated by an Learner index greater and is likely to increase
rather than smaller bank size (outside CR 8). This gives a signal that largest bank size have more market power to direct output
prices ( credit ) above marginal
cost compared to the group of banks
outside of CR 8.
Kata kunci: Industri perbankan, Derajad persaingan, Indek konsentrasi,
Indeks learner dan Kuasa pasar
Penulis: Idah Zuhroh
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141299