Faktor Makro Ekonomi Yang Mempengaruhi Pergerakan Harga Saham Pada Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)
Abstract: The capital market
presence is such an important concern for many country because it relate to its
function as economic booster through investation. This study aims to analyze
macro economic factors that can affect the movement of stock price at Indonesia
Sharia Stock Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange as the inflation factor, SBI
interest rates and exchange rates. The method used in this research is
quantitative approaches in which data is obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange
and Bank of Indonesia. The data used is the time series data starting from
January 2012 to April 2015. The statistical tool used is multiple linear
regression. Result showed that partially inflation is not significant and have
a negative relation toward ISSI’s stock price, SBI interest rate is not
significant and have a positive relation toward ISSI’s stock price, exchange
rate significantly influence the stock price at Indonesia Sharia Stock Index
(ISSI) and have a negative effect. Simultaneously, both variable inflation
rate, SBI interest rate and the exchange rate significantly influence the stock
price’s movement at Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI).
Keywords: ISSI, Indonesia
Sharia Stock Index, inflation rate, SBI Interest rates, exchange rates of
rupiah and multiple linear regression
Penulis: Martien Rachmawati,
Nisful Laila
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151489