Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan, Citra Sekolah, Kepuasan Siswa dan Loyalitas Siswa (Studi Empirik di SMK Negeri Rembang, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur)
Abstract: Service schools rated excellent if the quality of service and
teaching in schools to meet the desires, expectations and needs of students. In
addition to the quality of service, satisfaction is also influenced by the
image of the school itself.Student satisfaction will generate the
loyalty.Loyalty of students indicated with the delivery of positive word of
mouth about school services, giving recommendations to the younger generation
of the school of origin and family to study at the same school.This study aims
to determine the loyalty of students in SMK Rembang Pasuruan, with the factors
that influence it, that is quality of service, school’s image, and student
satisfaction. This study is a quantitative empirical research. The data were
obtained from 200 students in SMK Rembang Pasuruan.Analysis of the data used is
Partial Least Square (PLS) with PLS-Path Modeling (PLS-PM)method.The results of
the research are: first, the services quality of school to students nearly
met.The higher the quality of service caused the higher student
satisfaction.Second, the school’s image in the eyes of the students has been
good. The highschool’s image makes the student be satisfied to learn in school
and the school’s image also directly affectto student loyalty.Third, student satisfaction
are lacking.Student satisfaction does not affect to student loyalty.
Keywords: quality of services,
school’s image, student satisfaction, and student loyalty
Penulis: Akhmad Khusaeni
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd161163