Keridhaan (Antaradhin) Dalam Jual Beli Online (Studi Kasus UD. Kuntajaya Kabupaten Gresik)
Abstract: The purpose of this
study was to determine whether the implementation of the sale and purchase
agreement online istishna applied by Mr. H. Fiter Kuntajaya there has been no
good pleasure.
The research method used is a qualitative approach with descriptive case
study. The case study is a qualitative research trying to find meaning, to
investigate the process and gain a deep insight and understanding of
individual, group, or situation. Data collection was conducted by interviewing
informants in this study is the owner of UD. KUNTAJAYA. In addition, interviews
were also conducted with several other informants as a consumer as a process of
The result is the application of the sale and purchase agreement online
istishna based in accordance with the rules of Islamic purchase made by H.
Fiter Kuntajaya against consumers it did not affect the consumer to fully
understand the applicable contract. However, the implementation of online
trading Fiter H. Kuntajaya implement trading system in accordance with the
rules of Islamic jurisprudence purchase turned out to fruition in the form of
the pleasure of the consumers, so that consumers who had dealings with H. Fiter
Kuntayaja feel comfortable, satisfied and loyalty arise in transaction.
Keywords: Implementation,
Istishna', the contentment
Penulis: Ahliwan Ardhinata,
Sunan Fanani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151397