Nilai-Nilai Amanah Sebagai Strategi Fungsional Pada Rumah Makan Wong Solo Cabang Gresik
Abstract: This research aims
to know and analyze the moral values of the functional strategy in the Wong
Solo restaurant of Gresik branch. The aspects of the moral values consist of
responsibility, globalization, truth, good working and good services. The
success standard of the moral values of the functional strategy can be seen from
the achievement of the employment in doing the aspects above. The research is a
qualitative approach with a case study strategy. Data collection is done by
using interview and observation to the object of the research. An used analysis
technique is descriptive-qualitative by narrating the result of the interview
and observation to the object of research. The result of this research of
Restaurant Wong Solo of Gresik Branch in developing the business has been able
to do some moral values well. It can be seen from the responsibility of the
employments. The success by doing the moral values can also be seen by good
aspect. The company gives some facilities to the employments such as:
financial, and healthy. In doing operational strategy, the company has operational
standardization in the production process. All employments perform that
standardization of the rule that is stated by the company.
Keywords: amanah values,
responsibility, functional strategy, standardization
Penulis: Martha Ineke
Noviandani, Dina Fitrisia Septiarini
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151447