Pengaruh Cost Of Loanable Fund, Overhead Cost, dan Risk Factor Terhadap Tingkat Margin Pembiayaan Berbasis Natural Certainty Contract di Industri Perbankan Syariah
Abstract: The purpose of this
study is to find out which of the three component parts were cost of loanable
funds, overhead costs and risk factors that have a significant effect in
determining the margin rate of natural certainty contracts-based financing in
Islamic banking industry. This study uses two natural certainty contracts
financing agreement, which is murabaha and istisnaa. This study uses a
quantitative approach. The statistical tool used is multiple regression time
series. The sample used is the Islamic Banks and Sharia Business Unit which
data summarized in statistical reports of Islamic banking. The research period
is 2009-2013 years. The results of this study is all three rate component
simultaneously affect margin rate of murabaha and margin rate of istisnaa.
Partial test results were variable risk factors significantly affect the margin
rate of murabaha, and variable overhead costs significantly affect the margin
rate of istisnaa
Keywords: Cost of Loanable
Funds, Overhead Cost, Risk Factor, Natural Certainty ContractsBased Financing,
Margin Rate of Murabaha, Margin Rate of Istisnaa
Penulis: Riris Rizky Hayati,
Noven Suprayogi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151450