Pengaruh Kinerja Sosial Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of social performance to the profitability of sharia bank. This study uses quantitative approach with multiple regression analysis and four variables; they are Mudharabah-Musyarakah Financing, Qardh Financing, and Zakat as exogenous variables and Net income as endogenous variable.
Based on findings, it revealed that Mudharabah-Musyarakah Financing and Zakat effect significantly positive to the net income of Sharia commercial bank. Meanwhile Qardh Financing has non-significantly effect to the net income of Sharia commercial bank. On the other hand, Musyarakah-Mudharabah financing, Qardh financing and Zakat simultaneously has significantly effect to the net income of Sharia commercial bank.
Key words: social performance, Profitability, Mudharabah-Musyarakah Financing, Qardh Financing, Zakat, Net income
Penulis: Rosana Puspasari, Imron Mawardi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141237

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Jp Manajemen dd 2014