Pola Perilaku Konsumsi Islami Mahasiswa Muslim Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga Ditinjau Dari TIngkat Religiusitas
Abstract: This research aims
to know how Islamic Pattern Behavior Consumption of Students Faculty Economics
and Business University Airlangga in in Choosing Halal Food and Thayyib
reviewed by level of religiosity. The method that used is qualitative approach
with a case study strategy. Data was collected by interviews and direct
observation of the object research. The analysis technique that used is
descriptive qualitative analysis that is narrating the results of interviews
and direct observation. Based on the results of the study concluded that the
Faculty of Economics and Business University Press Islamic behavior patterns of
consumption good and there is no difference between students of each program of
study. Suggestions for further research should deepen the Islamic consumption
behavior of various faculties at the University of Airlangga.
Keywords: pattern of behavior,
Islamic consumption, halal food and thayyib, level of religiosity
Penulis: Yolanda Hani
Putriani, Atina Shofawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151463