Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan melalui Disiplin Kerja (Studi pada Karyawan Patra Jasa Convention Hotel Semarang)
purpose of the this research is to find the effect of work environment and
leadership towards employee performance through the work discipline. Good level
of employee performance and the low level of absenteeism indicates good
discipline at Patra Jasa Convention Hotel Semarang. The respondents of this
research are employees of Patra Jasa Convention Hotel Semarang. Data collected
through distribution of questionnaires towards 107 permanent employees with
purposive sampling. However, only 105 data can be processed. The techniques of
data testing in this research includes validity test by factor analysis,
reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, path analysis,
and the Sobel test to examine the mediation effect with SPSS 16.0.The results
of this research indicates that work environment and leadership have positive
influence on the discipline of work and employee performance. The analysis also
shows that there is a mediation effect of work discipline on employee
Keywords: work
environment, leadership,work discipline, employee performance
Penulis: Salma Fatimah Az Zahra, Mirwan Surya Perdhana