Pengaruh Struktur Pasar, Bank Size, Inflasi dan Gross Domestic Product Terhadap Kinerja Bank di ASEAN 5 (Studi Kasus Bank Komersial di ASEAN 5 Periode Tahun 2007-2014)
purpose of this research is to analyze some factors which affect of Return On
Asset Banks as Market Structure, Bank Size, Inflation and Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). This study uses secondary data from 25 banks annual report,
change of inflation and GDP ASEAN 5, those are: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,
Philipina and Thailand in years period 2007 to 2014. The sampling method used
Purposive Sampling based on a country with banks released a financial report
financial. Data analysis used a panel data regression test that was a
combination of data cross section and time series with fixed effect model. The
results of test found that in partial market structure which is measured using
Herfindahl Hirschman Index and GDP have a positive and significant impact. While
bank size and inflation do not affect significantly on ROA (Return On Assets)
Return On Asset (ROA), Market Structure, Bank Size, Inflation and Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).
Penulis: Eka
Ajeng K, Prasetiono